Earth Day was first observed in 1970, and in the years since, it has spread from the US to be recognized worldwide. From its origins as a proposed nationwide environmental teach-in, Earth Day has over the years been a vehicle for environmental education, legislation, and protest.
Today it is the largest secular observance in the world — estimates that 1 billion people in 193 countries observe Earth Day.
Read on to find out how oVertone is celebrating, today and throughout the year.
Why Earth Day matters to us

One of our core values at oVertone is intersectional feminism and equality, and we understand that sustainability is very much an issue of social justice. Climate change, and the environmental issues that arise from it, disproportionately affect marginalized communities
By doing our part to implement sustainable practices and lessen our impact on the environment, we as a company are dedicated to helping make the world a better, more livable place for all.
What we’re doing to be more environmentally sound

From the beginning, our products have always been certified vegan and cruelty free, and we source organic ingredients whenever possible. Daily Conditioner bottles can be recycled at home, and Coloring Conditioner jars and lids can be recycled at any Whole Foods location — Preserve’s Gimme 5 program uses them to create new toothbrushes, razors, and more. The posters included in every oVertone order are printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.
But we didn’t stop there.
In 2019, we updated the packaging for our Coloring Conditioners, trading out the old jars and lids for new ones made with less plastic, saving 7500 jars’ worth of plastic per year.
Last year, we added The Fader Clarifying Shampoo to our product lineup; the tubes for this shampoo are made partly with sugar cane, a renewable resource with ⅓ the carbon footprint of regular plastic.
We’re also in the process of transitioning away from delivering packages in clamshell boxes — soon you’ll start to see your oVertone arrive in more “standard” RSC boxes, which reduces cardboard and packaging supplies.
On all levels, we’re constantly keeping an eye out for new ways to lessen our impact on the environment. That brings us to our latest initiative:

Partnering with Print ReLeaf
Most recently, we’ve partnered with Print ReLeaf. This Denver-based organization measures our printing output, calculates the number of trees it amounts to, and replants the same number of trees at certified reforestation sites around the globe.
What you can do

This Earth Day, keep in mind that there are many ways to contribute beyond the usual “reduce, reuse, recycle” that we hear every year!
Listen, learn, and speak up. Familiarize yourself with the ways climate change and other environmental issues affect you and the people around you — @intersectionalenvironmentalist on Instagram is an excellent resource to start with! Listen to perspectives of those most affected: Indigenous people, people of color, people in poverty. If you’re in a position of privilege, amplify those voices. Even the smallest of actions matter, including:
Be conscious of the businesses you support — do your research and shop, when possible, with companies that prioritize sustainability.
If you’re of age to vote, vote! From local elections on up, support candidates and initiatives for stronger environmental protections, fair transitions to cleaner energy, and equal distribution of budgets to community resources.
Learn more about oVertone here.